Demoing Moodle tinyMCE Editor 'HTML templates' and 'Font Awesome' icons (Moodle 2.4 to 2.6) SWSi iTEL 4:09 10 years ago 3 213 Далее Скачать
Configuring Moodle tinyMCE Editor 'HTML templates' and 'Font Awesome' icons (Moodle 2.4 to 2.6) SWSi iTEL 5:40 8 years ago 1 596 Далее Скачать
Adding GLOBAL ALERT and FONT AWESOME icons to MOODLE using the theme CSS Ricoshae 10:43 2 years ago 1 501 Далее Скачать
Wordpress: How do i use fontawesome icons in TinyMce editor? (3 Solutions!!) Roel Van de Paar 4:03 4 years ago 72 Далее Скачать
Everything about Atto and TinyMCE Editors on Moodle Dr. Nellie Deutsch 11:41 4 years ago 549 Далее Скачать
New editor in Moodle 2 (TinyMCE) Wodonga TAFE Educational design and technologies 1:34 13 years ago 988 Далее Скачать